We make the access to the huge database of study material a cake walk with our best in class technology
Access,analyze and improve each concept to the deepest.
Keep the track of time while you solve the questions.
Pull up your socks and be ready to face / Compete with students nationwide
Use Bar graphs / pie charts to easily understand and analyse your performance
We help to conduct online test for NEET,JEE and Any Engineering or Medical Entrance Exam practice test online and provide detailed anaysis of test taken
Works like a teacher :it works in an interactive way to give a teacher like experience. It asks a question and awaits till the correct answer is clicked and then allows to see the solution.
"Practice MCQs" are very important for revision of your study.
It is very interactive method, so you can easily study the tricky MCQs.
Generally students read and solve MCQs and then directly solve tests, there is no such possibility to judge answer to practice MCQs using books.
This way of practicing MCQs generates interest in study.
We help to conduct online test for NEET,JEE and Any Engineering or Medical Entrance Exam practice test online and provide detailed anaysis of test taken
Classroom notes : Easily access and share the classroom content without having to waste time on writing during the class. Teacher can take photograph or upload any pdf content to site and assign that study material to particular batch.(Books, previous question paper).
Books,previous question paper : Get one click access to all the NCERT books and previous year question papers for NEET and JEE (Main) & Advanced.
Assignments : Most interactive feature that is sure to take out most of your analytic skills. Teacher can provide assignments on regular basis and student can solve that immediately. Teacher will get different analysis of individual student like Time taken to solve particular question, Number of attempts taken to solve that question.
Generally students read and solve MCQs and then directly solve tests, there is no such possibility to judge answer to practice MCQs using books.
This way of practicing MCQs generates interest in study.
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